Event Series Family Fun

Family Fun

McKay Memorial Library 17 Glasgow Street, Shelburne, NS

Meet your friends at the library to read books and play together! This drop-in program is for families with young children.

Event Series LEGO Club


McKay Memorial Library 17 Glasgow Street, Shelburne, NS

Use your imagination to design and build a LEGO creation. This program is for children aged 4 to 12 (those under 9 years of age must be accompanied by an adult).


Science Club: Science of Spinning Tops

McKay Memorial Library 17 Glasgow Street, Shelburne, NS

Learn about how a top spins. Use a recycled CD to create your own spinning top. This program is for children aged 5 to 11. Children under 9 must be accompanied by an adult. Register no later than Friday, Feb. 21 by contacting the library.
